If you thought that the answer to the question "How to lose belly fat" was to starve yourself to your grave, you have really gone nuts. You suggest this idea of fad diet to any doctor, and he will throw you out of his chamber before you can say "mama!"
The fad diet does nothing to your body that could be listed under the heading "beneficial". It only kills your health, and if you are still dubious of this, just switch on Ftv channel and have a look at the stick-thin models on the runway. They do not walk, they totter. They cannot even go for pillow fights because those fluffy lightweights are too heavy for them, did you know that?
Dieting will only keep you away from nourishing agents and that will eat away your muscles and good looks. It will make you look gaunt and unhappy. So do you want to know how to lose belly fat? Read on:
* The best way to do this is to keep on eating healthy food, but not in extra proportions so as to store up calories. You have to go for daily exercises of course, to burn off the unnecessary fat.
* Often, in women's magazines you would be tempted by all that hogwash about how eating only boiled vegetables with chicken can put you to a good dieting exercise. That is not enough, since you need other nutrients as well which are not present in boiled veggies.
* If you keep on eating this bland tasting food for days, you will be sick of it, and have no benefits from it as well. So what you should do is eat anything, even food of high calorific value like ice creams, and then burn off the excess cal by exercising daily. Even walking thirty minutes really fast can give you the desired effect.
* Do not stress yourself out. Emotional stress can often take you to a binge-eating ride, and that will show in your belly.
* Try not to get your mid afternoon nap right after a heavy lunch. Report says that sleeping right after eating can slow down the body metabolism and therefore store up fat in the belly.
Obviously, if you wake up every night to raid your fridge, how will you lose your belly fat? The trick of how to lose belly fat is to try and get a good night's rest. That way, you will be physically well off since you will not be putting on extra calories, and you will also get your rest completely which is required to increase your energy level.
Also Pay Close Attention To This: what I am about to share with you is a secret fat loss secret that no one will ever share with you. This secret will make you lose belly fat, and trim your whole body like crazy. If you truly desire to have an amazing body then I Strongly Urge You To Click Here Now!
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